Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Look At Me

I'm pretty tired of new monster houses on our lake that shout out LOOK AT ME.  This one is located at the end of West Peninsula Road. To build it, the old house that was on the property had to taken down. It was my understanding a new structure had to be on the same footprint as the original house, and its size was limited to a percentage larger than the original house's size. Well this new house is not on the footprint of the original house (it is on the lot though). And you could probably fit 3 of the old house in this one. Another example of money talks, and how money greases the rules. Further, I bet the occupants of this monster are only 2 people.


moremiles said...

Rob that is one big ass house for sure. How the hell do they get to bypass the regs & put one of these suckers up?

Rob Greenfield said...

I have no idea other than the one I mentioned - money.